Remote Commands
User Calibration Commands
Example OUTPUT 728;":SYST:ERR?"
ENTER 728;A$
8.9 User Calibration Commands
Entering user calibration data can only be done over the GPIB. This
is done using the commands described here.
Entering the User Calibration Data
To enter the data for the user calibration data, you will need a power
meter, a tunable laser source and the attenuator. If you are going to
use the attenuator to compensate for some other device, this should
be included in the setup as well.
The steps to enter the user calibration data are
1. Set up the hardware.
The following steps can be programmed to make the procedure
easy, as the calibration values must be entered using the GPIB
2. Disable the tunable laser source.
3. Execute a zero on the power meter.
4. Set the attenuation to 0.
5. Set the wavelength on the tunable laser source, the attenuator
and the power meter to the start wavelength.
6. Enable the tunable laser source and the attenuator.
7. Set the power meter to dB, and execute a Display-to-Reference.
8. Set the desired attenuation on the attenuator.
9. Start the user calibration (with the data for the start wavelength
and the wavelength stepsize).