Remote Commands
User Calibration Commands
This is done with the :UCALibration:STARt command
11. Repeat the following steps until λ>λ
a. Set
λ on the tunable laser source, the attenuator and the
power meter.
b. Read the power (Power).
c. Power = -Power.
d. Set the user calibration value to Power.
This is done with the :UCALibration:VALue command
λ = λ + λ
12. Stop the user calibration.
This is done with the :UCALibration:STOP command
Syntax :UCALibration:STARt <wsp>
<start_value> , <step_value>
Description This command starts the entering of the user
calibration data.
You must send two values with this command,
the wavelength of the first calibration point,
and the spacing between the calibration points.
The default units for both values are meters.
The minimum value for the start wavelength is
1200nm, and the minimum value for the step
size is 0.1nm, the maximum value for the step
size is 10nm. Other than this, the start and step
values must satisfy the formula
start value + ((number of step - 1)
× step value} ≤ 1650nm
where the number of steps must be in the range
10 to 401.