Remote Commands
User Calibration Commands
The error -221 indicates that there is a conflict
inherent in the start parameters for the user
calibration. That is, the start_value and/or
step_value is invalid.
The error 201 indicates that the user calibration
is currently on, and calibration data cannot be
changed. Switch the user calibration state off
(see “:UCALibration:STATe” on page 125) and
try again.
Syntax :UCALibration:STARt?
Description The query starts returning the data for the user
wavelength calibration.
Three values are returned in response to this
1. The wavelength value for the first calibration data point (in
2. The step-size between the data calibration points (in meters).
3. The number of data points that have been stored for the full
Syntax :UCALibration:STATe <wsp>
Description This command selects the wavelength
calibration to be used. The choice is the factory
made calibration for the instrument, or the
calibration data entered into the instrument by
the user (see “Selecting the Wavelength
Calibration and Its Function” on page 67).