Chapter 8: Using SMARTNotebook
software in your classroom
Presenting files to students 99
Tips for presenting files to students 100
Hiding objects before presenting them 100
Displaying files in different views and modes 102
Displaying files in Dual Page view 103
Displaying files in Full Screen view 104
Displaying files in Transparent Background mode 105
Using presentation tools 106
Using the Screen Shade 107
Using the Magic Pen to create fading objects 107
Using the Magic Pen to open a magnification window 108
Using the Magic Pen to open a spotlight window 109
Using the measurement tools 110
Using the ruler 111
Using the protractor 112
Using the Geodreieck protractor 114
Using the compass 115
Displaying links 117
Enabling two people to use an interactive whiteboard 118
Enabling two people to use a SMARTBoard D600 series interactive whiteboard 118
Enabling two people to use a SMARTBoard 800 series interactive whiteboard 118
Selecting tools 119
This chapter includes information on using SMARTNotebook software in your classroom when
presenting information to students or facilitating collaborative learning.
Presenting files to students
After creating a .notebook file using basic objects, your own content and content from SMART
resources, you can present the file to students in your classroom.
Chapter 8