The drawing shows one of many possible PowerBook Duo
Systems. The Duo Dock can accommodate any Macintosh-
compatible monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, hard disk drive,
CD-ROM drive, scanner, or other device.
The following sections include information about
n the features of the Duo Dock
n how to set it up
n how to use it with the PowerBook Duo
n how to install a NuBus card in the Duo Dock
Duo Dock features
The Duo Dock comes with many features built in, and several
optional features are also available. These features include:
n an internal 1.4 MB floppy disk drive
n an optional internal SCSI hard disk drive (any available
capacity that meets Appleās specifications; up to 1" high)
n standard ports including SCSI (with an HDI-30 connector),
video, printer, modem, Apple Desktop Bus (ADB), sound in,
and sound out
n a separate mouse and microphone
Eject button
Manual eject hole
Key lock
216 Chapter 13: Building a PowerBook Duo System