
Find (File menu) 122–125
items using search criteria 122–125
locations with Map 309
the original of an alias 121
fixed-size fonts 175
flickering screen 284
floppy disk drive port
Duo Floppy Adapter 252
Duo MiniDock 241
floppy disk drives. See also Duo
Floppy Adapter
connecting an external drive to the Duo
MiniDock 241
connecting your computer to 69
damaged 111
included with the Duo Dock 216
Macintosh HDI-20 External 1.4 MB Floppy
Disk Drive 251–252
troubleshooting 291–292
floppy disks
backing up files 111
care of 69
compared with hard disks 70
damaged 111, 113, 114–115, 291–292
double-sided 69, 70
ejecting 112, 291
erasing 108
high-density 69, 70
icon 43, 70
initializing 107
in MS-DOS or ProDOS format 301–302
inserting 71
locking/unlocking 109
problems saving files 111
restarting the computer from 17, 77
testing/repairing 114–115
troubleshooting 111, 113, 114–115,
types of 69, 70
access privileges to 207–209
Apple Menu Items 121, 146
creating and naming 118
creating on shared disks 190
displaying/hiding contents of 278
Fonts 174, 176
icons 43, 209, 210
Macintosh Basics 10
naming 118
organizing files with 118
ownership 190, 191, 201–202
selecting a folder to share 194–195
Startup Items 78, 146
System Folder 38, 73, 74
installing files in 146–147
more than one 77, 78
removing files from 147
throwing away 63–64
font catalog 178
displaying available fonts 178
downloading 176–177
font substitution option 172
installing 146, 175
obtaining 174
printing font samples 178
removing from the printer’s memory 179
troubleshooting 172, 294
types of 174–175
used in views 158
Fonts folder 174, 176
formatting. See initializing
FPU socket, Duo Dock 217
Index 321