
The distance to and the time at the other location are shown at
the bottom of the window. The distance is based on the shortest
possible route (called the great circle).
To find out the time difference between your location and the
other location, click the words “Time Zone.” Click again to see the
other location’s time zone.
Finding a location
The Map has a list of locations, with information on the latitude,
longitude, and time zone of each location.
1. Choose Control Panels from the Apple (K) menu.
2. Open the Map control panel.
To magnify the map in the control panel (showing less of the
world at a larger scale), hold down the Option key while you
open the Map control panel.
3. Type the city you are looking for and then click the
Find button (or press the Return key).
If you aren’t sure how the city is spelled, type the first few
letters and press the Return key.
If you don’t know the name of a city but know where it is, you
can find it by clicking its location on the map. Each blinking
point is a location in the list. If you click in the map and then
drag to a blinking point, that location’s name, latitude,
longitude, and time zone appear.
(If you hold down the Option key while clicking the Find
button, Map displays, one at a time, all the locations in its list.)
Appendix C: Map 309