
50 Chapter 3: Creating and Changing a Document
2. Type “Opening Lines”.
Because the word “Untitled” is selected (highlighted) when
the dialog box appears, all you have to do to name your
document is start typing. Whatever you type replaces the
selected text.
3. Click Save.
The window is now titled “Opening Lines” and the document
has been stored on your hard disk.
Switch programs
You can have several programs open on your Macintosh desktop
at one time (how many depends on how much memory your
computer has and how much memory the programs use). But
only one program at a time can be the active program. The active
program is the one that’s “on top of ” other open programs—in
the same way that the active window is on top of other windows.
The Opening Lines window is now the active window, and
TeachText is the active program. But TeachText is not the only
program that’s open.
Since you turned on your computer, you’ve been working with
the Finder program. The Finder displays the Macintosh desktop.
The Finder is always open when your PowerBook is on, so right
now it is open but not active.
1. If the Opening Lines window covers most of your
screen, make the window smaller by dragging its size
box up and to the left, and then release the trackball
After you resize the window, you should be able to see your
hard disk icon in the upper-right corner of the desktop.