6.4.1. Control Signals
which will perform the multiplexing.
is the drive selection signal. Although stand-
ard Apple II—type minifloppy drives are not
daisy-chained on a cable like most other sys-
tems, the majority off the input/output signals
passing between the drives and the controller are
wire -0Red together on the controller card inside
the Apple making multiplexing of signals
The drive select signal is the only signal which
is not shared between all drives attached to the
same controller card. The controller has a
separate drive select line for each drive for
which is it capable of controlling.
The Drive Select line provides a means of se-
lecting and deselecting the individual disk
drives. When this signal is low, that portion of
the disk drive electronics which are normally
powered down (Elite drives) are activated. The
spindle drive motor is turned on, the busy light
is illuminated, and the drive is conditioned to
respond to step or read/write commands.
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