
B.1. Command Interpreter Alterations
There are only two changes made to the command
interpreter from the user’s or program’s point
of view. The first is to allow the specifica-
tion of a “,D3” or “,D4” parameter on commands.
This allows the user to specify the third or
fourth drive on an Elite Controller.
The second alteration was to "shut down the
command interpreter’s INIT. This was necessary
since the majority of the diskette initializa-
tion code (located in the File Manager and RWTS)
could not be supported for all four drive types
(three Rana Elites and one Apple Disk II).
When an INIT command is issued under an unen—
hanced DOS, it does three things: first, the
RWTS section formats the diskette leaving all
sectors empty; second, the File Manager initial-
izes the VTOC and directory sectors and then
places a slave copy of DOS onto the diskette so
it can be booted; and last, the command inter-
preter performs a SAVE command to save the hello
file which was in memory at the time.
Under the modified DOS, the only thing which
will happen is the "SAVE”. - This permits the
user to pre-format a diskette with the supplied
FORMAT utility, and then use that diskette to
fool any application program which may insist
upon issuing an "INIT” command. Note that the
hello file name specified when using FORMAT will
not be changed should a different name be used
when the “INIT’ command is issued. However, the
file saved by issuing the “INIT” command will be
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