In order to convince PIP to copy a file from one
diskette to another diskette using just one
drive, you would tell PIP to copy the file from
drive A:/B: to drive B:/A: (the other drive).
Then, whenever PIP needs to read or write from
the diskette which is not currently in the drive
at that particular time, the resident portion of
SGLDRIVE will allow you to change the diskettes.
Due to the way SGLDRIVE works, it would be
possible to use it with programs other than PIP,
but Rana ‘s making no promises. SGLDRIVE was
designed specifically to solve PIP vs single
drive problem, but with the possibility of help-
ing Out with other programs at the same time.
There is one particular type of program with
which SGLDRIVE will not work correctly at all.
SGLDRIVE should not be used with the various
system utilities which perform their own disk
reads and writes. These programs tend to bypass
the CP/M operating system for their disk reads
and writes sometimes and then use CP/M at other
times. This will completely confuse SGLDRIVE,
and it will not be able to keep track of which
diskette should be in the drive at what time.
Such programs include the FORMAT, COPY, PROFILE,
and ENHANCE utilities; except when used as out-
lined in the CP/M Enhancements section of this
manual. (Special considerations have been made
in the utilities for the enhancing process.)
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