Insert the tip of a small screwdriver (or thin flat blade like a butter
knife) between the outside case and the back panel at point A identified in
Figure 2.3. Pry out the back panel until the tab pops free of the notch in
the Hr case. Continue the same procedure working up and across until the
tab on the side and the one tab on the top right side are free.
You may be able to pull the right side of the panel away from the case at
this point as Figure 2.4 shows. If you can, you say be able to free the
middle tabs by pulling up on the top of the case with one hand while prying
the panel Out with the other hand.
If the top of the //c does our yield, you may need to continuing prying the
back panel away from the //c 4th the screwdriver at the remaining tab
points. Working from left to right, continue prying until all the top tabs
are free.
With the top tabs pulled out of the //c case, pull the back panel away
from the case as Figure 2.5 shows. The remaining tab at the left aide of
the panel should pop loose. Set the back panel aside.
4. Remove the top cover of the Nc as Figure 2.6 shows. Grasp the top cover
at both rear corners and push upward. Push upward until the case has moved
up a few inches and then pull back and up on the cover. When you pull the
case back, the top cover should be freed from one plastic hook in the
middle of the front of the case.
Put the top cover safely aside.