You may return your card to Checkmate Technology if you would prefer to have the
factory install added RAM on your card. Installed RAM will be teated at the
factory on your card before return to you.
The cost of factory installed RAM is $65.00 for a set of eight 64K DRAM and
$120.00 for a set of eight 256K DRAM. Checkmate Technology will return your card
postage prepaid. These prices are subject to change. Contact the Customer
Service Department for current pricing.
Cbeckmate Technology warranties only that RAM on the MultiRam C Card that was
installed at the factory or RAM from a Checkmate Technology RAM Kit that was
installed later. Such RAM is replaced at no charge if a defect in the RAM
occurs during the 5 year warranty period.
Cards returned to the factory with defective RAM that was not supplied by
Checkmate Technology will be charged a $25.00 service fee in addition to an
$8.00 charge for replacement of each defective 64K RAM chip and a $15.00 charge
for replacement of each defective 256K RAM chip. The repaired board is returned
to you C.0.D. you pay repair charges upon receipt of your board. Return
shipping charges are included in the service fee. Face are subject to change.
Contact the Customer Service Department fur current pricing.
All Checkmate Technology disks are warrantied for 90 days and will be replaced
free of charge if a defect is discovered within the warranty period.
If you damage or wear—out a CHECKMATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. program disk after the 90
day warranty period and are a REGISTERED OWNER, we will replace your old program
diskette for $15.00, return postage prepaid. Non—registered software owners
will be required to pay $25.00. The additional ten dollars covers the costs of
setting up a new owner registration.
Return the damaged or worn—out program diskette to the Customer Service
Department, along with a note detailing the problem, and a replacement disk will
be sent to you.
Checkmate Technology may from time to time upgrade the standard features of the
MultiRam disk and other related MultiRam software. Registered owners will be
notified of updates through our newsletter or special mailings.
Send $5.00 to cover disk, shipping and handling costs, and an updated disk will
be sent to you. You will not need to return the older software version.