
Always end a session with the RAM disk by copying any files on the RAM disk that
you wish to permanently save to a floppy disk. Programs can also be directly
saved to the RAM disk from memory. Similarly, programs can be loaded into the
Apple’s memory from the RAM disk.
CAUTION: When using a RAM disk, DO NOT create a file greeter in size than the
disk you can save it too. A standard 5 1/4 inch Apple disk drive can save 128K
of data with DOS on the diskette, or 140K without DOS. A hard disk drive is
recommended for large files.
Auto—boot Disks
You may create disks that will automatically install the RAM disk, transfer to
the RAM disk those files you would like to have there, and then run a selected
program from the RAM disk.
To create an auto—boot disk, you may use the disk onto which you transferred the
RAM disk program. That disk already has the RAM disk drive program on it. You
will need to copy one other file to the disk, FID. Use FID to make a copy of
itself onto the auto—boot disk.
Next, after clearing memory with the “NEW” command, enter this Applesoft line:
10 PRINT CHR$(4)”EXEC AUTO—BOOT”. Save this short program under the name HELLO,
the boot file of the disk you initialized earlier. This program will
automatically run when you boot the disk.
Last, create an EXEC file to control the auto—boot process. An EXEC file is a
text file that can control the Apple just as you would from the keyboard. You
may create a text file with your favorite word processor or from an Applesoft
program like the following. Consult your DOS 3.3 manual for sore information on
EXEC files.
EXEC File Maker Comments
10 D$= CHR$(4) Set DOS command prefix
20 PRINT D$”OPEN AUTO—BOOT” Create a text file
40 PRINT “BRUN MULTIDRIVE.DOS” Run the RAM disk program
50 PRINT “BRUN FID” Run the FID program
60 PRINT “1” Select “Copy” from the FID menu
70 PRINT “6” Slot 6 for program to copy from
80 PRINT “1” Drive 1 for program to copy from
90 PRINT “3” Slot 3 for program to copy to
100 PRINT “1” Drive 1 for program to copy to
110 PRINT “=” Select all programs for copying
120 PRINT “N” no prompt, copy all
130 PRINT “B” Begin copying (any key would start it)
140 PRINT D$”CLOSE AUTO-BOOT" Save EXEC file to disk