The MultiRam file segmenting procedure does not affect AppleWorks internal
backup safeguard as long as there is room on the disk for the temporary file
being saved and the old, existing file. But if there is no inns on the disk to
save the temporary file, even though the file could easily be saved to a blank
disk, the segmenting routine will save the first part of the file to the disk,
delete the old file, and then request a new disk to continue the file. Part B
of Figure 4.6 shows this result.
If you do not want this to occur, you should save the file to a new disk with
room for it or you may save the file under another name and let the file span
more then one disk.
If you find yourself with no disks left, you might consider deleting the old
file first using the “Other Activities” menu and then save the file all on the
existing disk. You run the risk of losing the file this way, however. as was
described earlier.
Part C of Figure 4.6 shows that there can be useable space left on a disk in the
last part of a segmented save. To eliminate any possible problems in the future
with the file “SAMPLE”, you should not try to use this remaining apace for
saving other files.
Loading Files
Loading segmented files back into memory is easy.
Insert the first segmented disk into the data drive. Select “Add Files” and
choose the first segmented file. You will see a message just like that in
Figures 4.2 and 4.3 to let you know which file segment to load next. The file
will be ready for use when the last segment loads into memory.
Error Messages
Two types of error messages are likely to occur if you are not correctly saving
or loading segmented files.
The message Can’t write on disk at Drive 2” can occur if you insert a disk
during a segmented save whose name does not match that of the first disk.
To resolve this problem, find the data disk with the proper name and insert it
to continue the save. If you have not prepared enough data disks to handle the
entire file, you will have to press Escape to abandon the present file save.
Reread the section pertaining to disk preparation and format enough disks for
the file. You will not lose any of your data but you will have to Start saving
from the beginning again.
The message “Getting errors trying to read <file segment name> on Drive 2” can
occur if you try loading a disk out of sequence. Simply remove the incorrect
disk and insert the disk requested by the prompt.