
Chapter 7 Work in Layout mode 115
Keyboard screen control parameters
If you are using a keyboard controller or another MIDI device that sends MIDI note messages,
your layout should include a keyboard (or MIDI activity) screen control. You can edit the
following parameters for keyboard screen controls.
Hardware Assignment
Device pop-up menu: Shows the name of the learned keyboard. The device name may
correspond to the name of the keyboard controller, or to a port on the controller, if it has
multiple ports. You can choose another device or choose All.
Channel pop-up menu: Shows the MIDI channel on which MainStage receives input from the
keyboard. You can choose another channel or choose All.
Velocity Sensitivity slider: Sets the velocity sensitivity for the keyboard. Less means that higher
velocities are required to trigger the maximum value, while More means that lower velocities
trigger the maximum value.
Name eld: Enter a name for the keyboard. The name appears in the Input pop-up menu in the
Channel Strip Inspector, where you can select the device the channel strip responds to.
Number of Keys value slider: Enter the number of keys to display on the keyboard
screen control.
Lowest Key value slider: Enter the note name for the lowest key.
Lowest Key Learn button: Click the Learn button, then press the lowest key to have MainStage
learn it.
The Number of Keys and Low Key aect only the visual appearance of the screen control. They
do not aect what notes are received from your keyboard controller.
Layer Display
Display keyboard layers checkbox: When active, a layer is displayed above the keyboard in the
workspace for each software instrument channel strip in a patch. The layers show the name
and color of the channel strip and respond when you play the keyboard.
Height value slider: Sets the height of the layer display that appears above the keyboard.
MIDI activity screen control parameters
MIDI activity screen controls can indicate when MIDI note messages are received and can also
be used as smaller, “noteless” keyboard screen controls. You can edit the following parameters for
MIDI activity screen controls.
Hardware Input
Device pop-up menu: Shows the name of the device to show MIDI activity for. You can choose
another device, All, or Unassigned.
Channel pop-up menu: Choose the MIDI channel on which MainStage receives input from
the controller.
Velocity Sensitivity slider: Set the amount of sensitivity for incoming MIDI data.
Name eld: Type a name for the screen control.
Color selector: Choose the color for the MIDI activity light.