
Chapter 5 Work in Edit mode 43
Change the tuning for a patch
By default, patches use the same tuning method as the concert (or the set, if they are in a set
with its own tuning method). You can change the tuning for a patch so that it uses a dierent
tuning. When you change the tuning for a patch, it overrides any concert- or set-level tuning
method. Available tuning methods include:
Use parent tuning: The patch uses the same tuning as the set (if it is in a set with its own tuning
method) or the concert.
Equal tempered tuning: The standard tuning for most Western music, with an equal distance
between all semitone intervals.
Fixed: Lets you choose from a number of xed tuning scales and keys. Fixed Tuning mode
tunes musical keys (to dierent degrees) for scaled tuning systems, and delivers a key
signature character. When playing mostly white keys (in the Pure setting, and with C as the
root key), C major is the main focus, and tuning is scaled to that chord. An A major chord that
is played immediately after a C major (and is therefore subject to C major scaled tuning) is
aected somewhat by the scaled tuning eect, but will not sound completely tempered. If
you normally play polyphonic music, this mode (when using the Pure setting) will sound most
pleasing to your ears. The Fixed Tuning scales are ideal for a number of baroque and medieval
instruments and styles of music.
User: Allows you to detune (set the deviation from equal tempered tuning) each semitone
in steps.
Hermode Tuning: Because all tuning requirements cannot be satised simultaneously with any
one Hermode Tuning setting, allows you to set dierent Hermode Tuning modes and degrees
of eect.
When you choose Fixed, Hermode, or User as the tuning method, additional tuning controls
appear in the Tuning tab. You can edit these controls to adjust the chosen tuning.
Change the tuning method for a patch
1 In the Patch Inspector, select the Tuning tab.
2 Choose the tuning you want the patch to use from the Method pop-up menu.
Edit Fixed Tuning parameters
m When Fixed Tuning is chosen, edit any of the following parameters:
Type pop-up menu: Choose between the most important historic tuning scales, as well as a
few others.
Root Key pop-up menu: Choose a global key (C-B) for the chosen scale. This provides an easy
way to reference the chosen scale to any root note.
Copy to User button: Copies the chosen scale to use as a basis for a User tuning.
Edit Hermode Tuning parameters
m When Hermode Tuning is chosen, choose a mode from the Type pop-up menu:
Classic (3/5-all): This mode provides a broad and regular tuning of pure 5ths and 3rds. In cases
of conict, the degree of purity is temporarily reduced. This mode can be used for all types
of music. The value of the Depth parameter indicates the degree of the 5th and 3rd purity. A
setting of 100% determines maximum purity. A 10% value is the lowest purity setting. O sets
the tuning to an equal tempered scale.