
Chapter 8 Perform live with MainStage 122
Select patches using actions
If you have mapped screen controls to actions for selecting patches, such as selecting the
previous or next patch, you can select the patches using the physical controls assigned to those
screen controls as you perform. You can also select sets or the concert using actions. Buttons are
particularly useful for selecting patches, sets, or the concert using actions.
When selecting patches using actions, skipped patches are also skipped. For example, if you use
a screen control mapped to select +10 patches, any skipped patches would not be counted in
the +10.
Select a patch using an action
m Manipulate the control assigned to the screen control that is mapped to the action.
For more information, see Table of actions on page 15 6.
Select patches using program change messages
If your MIDI device has buttons or other controls that send program change messages, you
can select patches in your concert by program change number. You can use program change
messages to select patches but not sets.
For information about how your MIDI device sends program change messages, consult the
documentation that came with the device or the manufacturer’s website. For information
about changing the program change number for a patch, see Set program change and bank
numbers on page 41.
Screen controls in performance
In performance, you use the controls on your MIDI hardware devices that are assigned to screen
controls to manipulate the parameters mapped to those screen controls. When you select a new
patch, the parameters you mapped for that patch are instantly available for editing.
When you move a physical control, the screen control updates based on the Respond to
Hardware Move parameter in the Screen Control Inspector. If the parameter is set to Jump, the
screen control instantly moves to the position of the hardware control. If the parameter is set to
Pickup, the screen control starts moving when the hardware control reaches its current position.
If the parameter is set to Relative, the screen control moves in sync with the hardware control,
starting from its current position.
Tempo changes in performance
When you open the concert you plan to use in your performance, MainStage uses the tempo
for the concert you set in the Concert Inspector. If the “Get tempo from MIDI input” checkbox
is selected, MainStage uses incoming MIDI beat clock to set the tempo. For information about
setting and changing the tempo in a concert, see Tempo overview on page 90.
If you select a patch or set with its own tempo setting, the tempo changes to the new setting.
You can also change the tempo in real time while you perform using the Tap Tempo feature,
either by pressing Control-T repeatedly at the tempo you want to use, by clicking the Tap Tempo
button in the toolbar repeatedly, or by using a screen control mapped to the Tap Tempo action.