
Chapter 5 Work in Edit mode 81
Set hardware matching behavior for screen controls
Some hardware synthesizers and music workstations let users control what happens when
you move a physical control that is set to a dierent value than the parameter it modies. The
parameter value can instantly change to the position of the physical control (sometimes called
jump), it can change by the same amount (called relative), or it can not change at all until the
physical control matches its current value (called snap).
You can set the behavior for screen controls in MainStage to any of these behaviors when you
move the physical control assigned to the screen control.
Set the behavior for screen controls when you move a hardware control
1 Select the patch.
2 Select the screen control for which you want to set the hardware matching behavior.
3 In the Attributes tab of the Screen Control Inspector, choose the parameter change behavior for
the screen control from the “When hardware value diers from screen value” pop-up menu:
To have the screen control use the default behavior set in MainStage preferences:
Choose Preference.
To have the screen control instantly change to match the hardware value: Choose Jump.
To have the screen control change when the hardware control matches its current value:
Choose Pickup.
To have the screen control move relative to the hardware control: Choose Relative.
Note: When you choose an item from the menu, a brief description of its function appears below
the pop-up menu.
Reset and compare changes to a patch
You can reset changes to all parameters in a patch that are mapped to screen controls to their
last saved value, letting you hear the patch in its last saved (original) state, and toggle between
the original and modied states of the patch.
Reset and compare changes using the Reset/Compare action
1 In Layout mode, add a button screen control to your layout.
2 Assign a button on your hardware controller to the new button screen control.
3 In Edit mode, click the concert icon in the Patch List.
4 Select the new button screen control in the workspace.
5 In the Parameter Mapping browser, select the Actions folder, and then select the Reset/ Compare
Patch action in the second column.
For more information about mapping a screen control at the concert level, see Control the
overall volume of a concert on page 95.