158 Configuring System Information
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– Checked—Removes a specific user from the Local User Database.
– Unchecked—Maintains the user in the Local User Database .
Assigning access rights to a user:
1 Open the Local User Database page.
2 Select a user in the User Name field.
3 Define the Access Level, and Password fields.
4 Click Apply Changes. The user access rights and passwords are defined, and the
device is updated.
Defining a New User:
1 Open the Local User Database page.
2 Click Add. The Add User page opens:
Add User Page
Define a new user name in the User Name, Access Level (1-15), Password, and
Confirm Password fields.
4 Click Apply Changes. The new user is defined, and the device is updated.
Displaying the Local User Table:
1 Open the Local User Database page.
2 Click Show All. The Local User Table page opens.