262 Configuring Switch Information
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VLAN Port Settings Page
The VLAN Port Settings page contains the following fields:
• Port—Indicates the port number included in the VLAN.
• Port VLAN Mode—Designates the port VLAN mode.The possible field values are:
– General—Indicates that the port belongs to one or more VLANs, and each VLAN
is user-defined as tagged or untagged (full 802.1Q mode). Ingress filtering can be
disabled only in general-mode ports.
– Access—Indicates that the port belongs to a single untagged VLAN. Defining the
port VLAN mode as access implies that the ports accept all untagged frames, and
all frames tagged with the VID currently set as the port’s PVID. Access mode ports
are intended to connect end-stations to the system, especially when the end-
stations are incapable of generating VLAN tags. Ingress filtering is enabled.
– Trunk—Indicates that the port belongs to a VLAN in which all frames are tagged.
Ingress filtering is enabled on trunk-mode ports.
• PVID (1-4095)—Assigns a VLAN ID to untagged packets. This is only implemented
for general mode ports. The possible field value range is 1-4095.
NOTE: VLAN 4095 is the discard VLAN.
• Frame Type—Indicates the packet type accepted on the port. The possible field values
– Admit Tag Only—Indicates that only tagged packets are accepted on the port.