84 Configuring the PowerConnect 3324/3348 Switch
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6 Enter console# reload. The following message displays:
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your
session. Do you want to continue (y/n) [n] ?
Enter Y. The device reboots.
8 Repeat step 3 to verify which Image files are active.
9 Enter console# copy image unit://2/image. The following is an example of the
information which displays:
console# copy image unit://2/image
...................Unit 2: Erased image-2
Copy: 2883576 bytes copied in 00:01:35 [hh:mm:ss]
console# 01-Jan-2000 01:08:59 %COPY-W-TRAP: The copy operation was
completed successfully
Enter console# boot system unit {unit number} image-{file name}.
11 Repeat step 9 for each Stacking unit.
12 Enter console# reload. The following message displays:
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your
session. Do you want to continue (y/n) [n] ?
Enter Y. The device reboots.
14 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to ensure the correct Image file is active.
Downloading the Software Via the PowerConnect 3324/3348 Dell
OpenManage Switch Administrator
For instructions on downloading the software via the Dell OpenManage Switch
Administrator, see "Managing Files".