
206 Configuring Switch Information
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ACL Bindings Page
The ACL Bindings page contains the following fields:
Select an Interface—Indicates the interface and interface type to which the ACL is
attached. The possible field values are:
Port—Indicates the port number to which the ACL is attached.
LAG—Indicates the LAG to which the ACL is attached.
VLAN—Indicates the VLAN to which the ACL is attached.
Bind Interface to ACL—Indicates the ACL name to which incoming packets are
matched. Packets can be matched to either IP-based ACLs or MAC Address based
ACLs. The possible field values are:
IP Based—Indicates that incoming packets are matched to IP-based ACLs.
MAC Based—Indicates that incoming packets are matched to MAC based ACLs.
Assigning an ACL to an Interface:
1 Open the ACL Bindings page.
2 Select the ACL type in the Select ACL fields.