Example of a Single Queue Application with Default Packet Pointers
buffer-profile fp fsqueue-fp
buffer dedicated queue0 3 queue1 3 queue2 3 queue3 3 queue4 3 queue5 3 queue6 3
queue7 3
buffer dynamic 1256
buffer-profile fp fsqueue-hig
buffer dedicated queue0 3 queue1 3 queue2 3 queue3 3 queue4 3 queue5 3 queue6
3 queue7 3
buffer dynamic 1256
buffer fp-uplink stack-unit 1 port-set 0 buffer-policy fsqueue-hig
buffer fp-uplink stack-unit 1 port-set 1 buffer-policy fsqueue-hig
Interface range tengigabitethernet 1/1 - 18/1
buffer-policy fsqueue-fp
Dell#show run interface tengigabitethernet 1/10/1
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/10/1
no ip address
Troubleshooting Packet Loss
The show hardware stack-unit command is intended primarily to troubleshoot packet loss.
To troubleshoot packet loss, use the following commands.
show hardware stack-unit cpu data-plane statistics
show hardware stack-unit cpu party-bus statistics
show hardware stack-unit stack-unit-number drops unit 0-1 port port-number
show hardware stack-unit stack-unit-number stack-port 48-51
show hardware stack-unit stack-unit-number unit 0-1 {counters | details |
port-stats [detail] | register | execute-shell-cmd | ipmc-replication |
show hardware {layer2| layer3} {e.g. acl |in acl} stack-unit stack-unit-
number port-set 0-1
show hardware layer3 qos stack-unit stack-unit-number port-set 0-1
show hardware ipv6 {e.g.-acl |in-acl} stack-unit stack-unit-number port-set-
show hardware system-flow layer2 stack-unit stack-unit-number port-set—number
show hardware drops interface [range] interface
show hardware stack-unit <id> buffer-stats-snapshot unit <id> resource x
show hardware buffer inteface interface{priority-group { id | all } | queue
{ id| all} ] buffer-info
show hardware buffer-stats-snapshot resource interface interface{priority-
group { id | all } | queue { ucast{id | all}{ mcast {id | all} | all}
show hardware drops interface interface
clear hardware stack-unit stack-unit-number counters
clear hardware stack-unit stack-unit-number unit 0-1 counters
clear hardware stack-unit stack-unit-number cpu data-plane statistics
S-Series Debugging and Diagnostics