no shutdown
6. Associate the port channel to the corresponding port channel in the VLT peer for the VLT connection
to an attached device.
vlt-peer-lag port-channel id-number
The valid port-channel ID numbers are from 1 to 128.
7. Repeat Steps 1 to 6 on the VLT peer switch to configure the same port channel as part of the VLT
8. On an attached switch or server: To connect to the VLT domain and add port channels to it,
configure a port channel. For an example of how to verify the port-channel configuration, refer to
VLT Sample Configuration.
To configure the VLAN where a VLT peer forwards received packets over the VLTi from an adjacent VLT
peer that is down, use the peer-down-vlan parameter. When a VLT peer with BMP reboots, untagged
DHCP discover packets are sent to the peer over the VLTi. Using this configuration ensures the DHCP
discover packets are forwarded to the VLAN that has the DHCP server.
Configuring a VLT VLAN Peer-Down (Optional)
To configure a VLT VLAN peer-down, use the following commands.
1. Enter VLT-domain configuration mode for a specified VLT domain.
vlt domain domain-id
The range of domain IDs is from 1 to 1000.
2. Enter the port-channel number that acts as the interconnect trunk.
peer-link port-channel id-number
The range is from 1 to 128.
3. Enter the VLAN ID number of the VLAN where the VLT forwards packets received on the VLTi from
an adjacent peer that is down.
peer-down-vlan vlan interface number
The range is from 1 to 4094.
Configuring Enhanced VLT (eVLT) (Optional)
To configure enhanced VLT (eVLT) between two VLT domains on your network, use the following
For a sample configuration, refer to eVLT Configuration Example. To set up the VLT domain, use the
following commands.
1. Configure the port channel to be used for the VLT interconnect on a VLT switch and enter interface
configuration mode.
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)