show interface
2. Create a monitoring session using the command monitor session from CONFIGURATION mode, as
shown in the following example.
monitor session
monitor session type rpm/erpm
type is an optional keyword, required only for rpm and erpm
3. Specify the source and destination port and direction of traffic, as shown in the following example.
Example of Viewing Port Monitoring Configuration
To display information on currently configured port-monitoring sessions, use the show monitor
session command from EXEC Privilege mode.
Dell(conf)#monitor session 0
Dell(conf-mon-sess-0)#$source ten 1/1/1 dest ten 1/2/1 dir rx
Dell(conf-mon-sess-0)#show c
monitor session 0
source TenGigabitEthernet 1/1/1 destination TenGigabitEthernet 1/2/1 direction
Dell(conf-mon-sess-0)#do show monitor session
SessID Source Destination Dir Mode Source IP Dest IP
------ ------ ------------ --- ---- --------- --------
0 Te 1/1/1 Te 1/2/1 rx Port N/A N/A
Dell(conf)#monitor session 0
Dell(conf-mon-sess-0)#source po 10 dest ten 1/2/1 dir rx
Dell(conf-mon-sess-0)#do show monitor session
SessID Source Destination Dir Mode Source IP Dest IP
------ ------ ----------- --- ---- --------- --------
0 Te 1/1/1 Te 1/2/1 rx Port N/A N/A
0 Po 10 Te 1/2/1 rx Port N/A N/A
Dell(conf)#monitor session 1
Dell(conf-mon-sess-1)#source vl 40 dest ten 1/3/1 dir rx
Dell(conf-mon-sess-1)#flow-based enable
Dell(conf)#do show monitor session
SessID Source Destination Dir Mode Source IP Dest IP
------ ------ ----------- --- ---- --------- --------
0 Te 1/1/1 Te 1/2/1 rx Port N/A N/A
0 Po 10 Te 1/2 rx Port N/A N/A
1 Vl 40 Te 1/3 rx Flow N/A N/A
Note: Source as VLAN is achieved via Flow based mirroring. Please refer section Enabling Flow-Based
In the following example, the host and server are exchanging traffic which passes through the uplink
interface 1/1/1. Port 1/1/1 is the monitored port and port 1/32/1 is the destination port, which is
configured to only monitor traffic received on tengigabitethernet 1/1/1 (host-originated traffic).
Port Monitoring