• cee: configures a port to use CEE (Intel 1.01). cin configures a port to use Cisco-Intel-Nuova
(DCBx 1.0).
• ieee-v2.5: configures a port to use IEEE 802.1Qaz (Draft 2.5).
The default is Auto.
NOTE: To configure the DCBx port role the interfaces use to exchange DCB information, use
the DCBx port-role command in INTERFACE Configuration mode (Step 3).
4. Configure the PFC and ETS TLVs that advertise on unconfigured interfaces with a manual port-role.
[no] advertise DCBx-tlv {ets-conf | ets-reco | pfc} [ets-conf | ets-reco |
pfc] [ets-conf | ets-reco | pfc]
• ets-conf: enables transmission of ETS Configuration TLVs.
• ets-reco: enables transmission of ETS Recommend TLVs.
• pfc: enables transmission of PFC TLVs.
NOTE: You can configure the transmission of more than one TLV type at a time. You can only
enable ETS recommend TLVs (ets-reco) if you enable ETS configuration TLVs (ets-conf). To
disable TLV transmission, use the no form of the command; for example, no advertise
DCBx-tlv pfc ets-reco.
The default is All TLV types are enabled.
5. Configure the Application Priority TLVs that advertise on unconfigured interfaces with a manual port-
[no] advertise DCBx-appln-tlv {fcoe | iscsi}
• fcoe: enables the advertisement of FCoE in Application Priority TLVs.
• iscsi: enables the advertisement of iSCSI in Application Priority TLVs.
The default is Application Priority TLVs are enabled and advertise FCoE and iSCSI.
NOTE: To disable TLV transmission, use the no form of the command; for example, no
advertise DCBx-appln-tlv iscsi.
6. Configure the FCoE priority advertised for the FCoE protocol in Application Priority TLVs.
[no] fcoe priority-bits priority-bitmap
The priority-bitmap range is from 1 to FF.
The default is 0x8.
7. Configure the iSCSI priority advertised for the iSCSI protocol in Application Priority TLVs.
[no] iscsi priority-bits priority-bitmap
The priority-bitmap range is from 1 to FF.
Data Center Bridging (DCB)