In navigation mode, there will be assistance for navigation, information
on the itinerary and more command buttons displayed:
The following assistance for navigation will be displayed at the left and
at the bottom of the map:
If two maneuvers are to be executed quickly one after the other,
the small upper arrow field indicates the maneuver to be executed
immediately after the next maneuver.
A green arrow indicates your current position on the map. Since
the map display changes continually, your current position will be
centered on the map whenever possible (Moving Map).
The larger arrow field indicates the next maneuver to be executed.
The distance field indicates the distance to the next maneuver. When
you approach, the display will change to a distance bar:
The number of orange bars displayed indicates the distance to the
next maneuver.
The upper street field indicates the name of the next street you will be
turning onto.
The lower street field indicates the name of the street you are
currently traveling on.