the GPS position visible somewhere on
the map (when North-up orientation is se-
lected), or always at the bottom center of
the map (when Track-up orientation is se-
If you manually move the map, it will freeze
the map in the new position. To return to
the GPS position, use this Lock button.
When Smart Zoom is enabled, scaling or
tilting the map also stops the automatic
zooming or automatic tilting respectively.
To reactivate Smart Zoom, touch this but-
TIP: In Advanced settings you can set a de-
lay time after which Cydle pushes the Lock
button for you automatically. This can be
turned on for re-enabling both Lock-to-Po-
sition and Smart Zoom.
Cursor menu (No. 11)
The Cursor is the selected point on the
map (marked by a red dot and radiating red
circles around it), or the current GPS posi-
tion when it is available and Lock-to-Posi-
tion is enabled. When you touch the screen
to place the Cursor, the Cursor menu pops
up automatically to give you the list of pos-
sible functions you can use the Cursor for.
At the same time Popup Info (street name,
house number and the list of POIs nearby)
appears near the selected map point if
Popup Info is enabled in the Quick menu.
If you do not use the Cursor menu in a few
seconds, it will automatically vanish back
to the bottom of the screen, and Popup
Info disappears, too. You can have them
reappear by reopening the Cursor menu
using the arrow in the bottom right corner.
When you open the menu manually, it will
stay on until you close it or switch to an-
other screen.
TIP: If you want to see the map around the
Cursor, close the Cursor menu and reopen
it. When this menu is opened manually, the
map is always moved to have the cursor in
the center.
The content of the Cursor menu depends
on the screen (Map or Cockpit) and it is
slightly different if there is an active route
already planned. You have the following
• Start: use the Cursor as the departure
point for your route. This menu point is
available only in Map mode and when
there is no active route. In Cockpit mode
the departure point of the route is always
the GPS position or if it is not available, the
last known GPS position.
• Route To: use the Cursor as the destina-
tion of your route. This button is to start a
new route. The previous route (if it exists)
will be deleted and replaced. If a multi-point
route is active, Cydle will ask you whether
you really want to delete it together with all
its via points.
• Add Via: by inserting the selected map
point as a via, you instruct Cydle to cross
this location before the destination of the
route. This is the way to build a multi-point
route in reverse order (when you wish to in-
sert a stopover ‘go to A but fi rst get some
fuel at B’ or want to infl uence the direction
of the route). This menu point works only if
a route is already active.
• Remove Via: removes the ‘via point’ near
or at the Cursor. The route will be recalcu-
lated immediately excluding the deleted
point. This menu point replaces Add Via
and is available only if the Cursor is near or
at a via point.
• Continue: add a new destination to be
reached after the previous destination.
The new destination replaces the old one,
which is now demoted to a via point. This
is the way to build your multi-point route in
straight order (when you wish to visit sev-
eral destinations ‘go to A then to B’). This
menu point is available only if a route is al-
ready active.
• Add Cam: this button will place a speed
camera at the position of the Cursor. A
new window opens where you can set the
type of the camera (fi xed, mobile, built-in,
or section control camera), the direction of
the monitored traffi c (your direction, the
Navigation System