Distance Left
This value can also be displayed in one of
the Route data fi elds on the Cockpit screen
as ‘Distance to destination’. This is the dis-
tance you need to travel on the route be-
fore reaching your fi nal destination.
If via points exist, touch and touch again
any of the fi elds to see the distance to
reach the fi rst, second, etc. via point.
This fi eld shows how the route was calcu-
lated. It either displays the ‘Route’ or the
‘Vehicle’ fi eld from the Route parameter
settings. If you have chosen Car, Taxi, Bus
or Lorry, the type of the route (Fastest,
Shortest or Economical) will be displayed
here; if you have selected Emergency, Bi-
cycle or Pedestrian, this information will be
displayed here.
Time Left
This is an estimated value that can also be
displayed in one of the Route data fi elds on
the Cockpit screen as ‘Time to destination’.
It shows the time needed to reach the fi nal
destination of the route based on informa-
tion available for the remaining segments
of the route. The calculation cannot take
into account traffi c jams and other pos-
sible delays.
If via points exist, touch and touch again
any of the fi elds to see the time needed to
reach the fi rst, second, etc. via point.
Estimated Arrival
This is an estimated value that can also be
displayed in one of the Route data fi elds on
the Cockpit screen as ‘ETA to destination’.
It shows the estimated arrival time at the
fi nal destination of the route based on in-
formation available for the remaining seg-
ments of the route. The calculation cannot
take into account traffi c jams and other
possible delays.
If via points exist, touch and touch again
any of the fi elds to see the estimated arrival
at the fi rst, second, etc. via point.
Destination / Via Point
This fi eld shows the exact address (or its
coordinates if the address is not available)
of the fi nal destination.
If via points exist, touch and touch again
any of the fi elds to see the address or coor-
dinates of the fi rst, second, etc. via point.
Warning Icons
The Warning Icons are normally grey.
Some of them turn red and show a graphi-
cal symbol in case warning(s) are attached
to the planned route. These are warnings,
so icons always show information for the
whole route, even if the data fi elds display
values from your current position to a via
point only.
Click on any of the icons to show its de-
A few samples of the available icons:
• This icon shows that you need to pay toll
on the recommended route.
• This icon shows that the route contains
motorways. Touch the icon to see the to-
tal length of the motorways in the recom-
mended route.
• This icon shows that toll roads are includ-
ed in the recommended route.
• This icon shows that you need to board a
ferry along the recommended route.
• This icon shows that you need to pay for
the ferry.
• This icon is displayed when Cydle could
not plan a route with all your road type
preferences respected. Sometimes it is
impossible to fi nd a suitable route near the
start or the destination.
• This icon warns you that Cydle had to
recommend a route that does not match
all your preferences given at the Route Pa-
rameters settings.
• The recommended route contains areas
only accessible to pedestrians.
• The recommended route contains un-
paved roads.
• The recommended route contains roads
Navigation System