ters. This way you can search for a street
name in the whole state. In other countries
this step is compulsory. If you press Done
before entering any letters, the list of cities
will appear in alphabetical order.
Changing The Country
If your destination is in another coun-
try, touch the Change Country button in
the top right corner of the state selection
screen (Australia, USA, etc.), or the city se-
lection screen, and select the country from
the list.
Selecting A Street Or The Center Of The
Once the city (or state in Australia) is se-
lected, you can continue by specifying the
street you are looking for.
Selecting The Center Of The City
If you wish to navigate to the city displayed
in the top center of the screen, just touch
Done before entering any letters. The
search result will be the center point of the
city (where its name is displayed on the
NOTE: This point is not the geometrical
center but an arbitrarily selected point
chosen by the creators of the map, usually
the most important intersection in case of
a small town or village, and for larger cities
an important intersection in the city cen-
Selecting A Street
If you are looking for an address or an in-
tersection within the selected city (shown
at the top of the page), you need to fi rst
enter the street name you are looking for.
TIP: If you are looking for an intersection,
choose the street that has a rare or unusual
name fi rst. This way you need to enter few-
er letters to get the list of results. You may
also choose the shorter of the two streets
fi rst. This way it will be faster to choose the
second one from the list of crossing streets
after the fi rst street has been selected.
TIP: You can search for both the type and
the name of a road. If you have the same
name appear as Street, Avenue, Boule-
vard, Road, Place and Court, you can get
the result faster by giving the fi rst letter of
this, too. For example searching for ‘Pi A’
will result in Pine Avenue skipping all Pine
Streets and Pine Roads.
TIP: Should the name of the street be a
prefi x for several other street names, just
enter the whole name, press Done, and the
exact match will be the fi rst in the list. This
way you can easily fi nd even very short
street names.
As soon as you select a street, you are
automatically taken to the House Number
Input screen.
Selecting A House Number Or The Mid-
point Of The Street
Once the country, the city and the street
name are selected, you are asked to give
the house number using the numeric key-
pad. The range of available house numbers
for the chosen street is shown in the input
fi eld before you begin entering the fi gures.
Enter the number, touch Done, and Cydle
will show you the selected location on the
map (or will start navigating immediately if
you have selected Find & GO at the Main
NOTE: House numbers may not be avail-
able on the map of your region. Ask your
local dealer for details.
If you do not know the house number,
just press Done, and the midpoint of the
street will be used as the selected location.
How To Select An Intersection Instead
Of A House Number
If you do not know the house number or it
is easier to pinpoint the location with an in-
tersection, press the Find intersection but-
ton in the top right corner and select the
desired street name from the list of avail-
able intersections of the previously select-
ed street (displayed in the top center of the
Navigation System