Backup Data
You can make a safe copy of the whole
user database on a memory card.
Touch this button to copy all user data and
settings on the memory card. The backup
is always created with the same fi le name;
so backing up data will always overwrite
previous backups.
TIP: If you wish to keep more versions of
the user database, or you wish to save one
particular state (e.g. saved POIs and track
logs of your holiday), look for the backup
fi le on the SD card, rename it, or save it to
your PC.
Restore Data
If you have accidentally deleted things, or
you have created a number of temporary
items and you do not wish to delete them
one by one, you can touch this button
to restore the state of Cydle to the latest
By tapping this button you will lose all of
the changes made since the time of the lat-
est backup. Cydle will warn you about this
before overwriting the current database
with the backup.
Remove Pins
Normally Pins can be deleted one by one.
Since they are shown at all zoom levels,
and you may end up having too many of
them, this button lets you delete all of them
together. Cydle will warn you that you are
about to lose all your Pins.
Clear Data
This button will delete all user data. It is a
reset to factory settings. Tapping this but-
ton means you lose all your saved data and
customised settings. Cydle will warn you
about this.
Reset Advanced Settings
There are a multitude of Advanced settings
in Cydle. Some changes may cause Cydle
to behave in an unsatisfying manner. Touch
this button to restore the default setting-
FIND & GO (Main Menu)
Find & GO in the Main menu is the fastest
way to fi nd your destination and start navi-
gating. Touching Find & Go will put you on
the Find screen, and as soon as you pick
a destination, Cydle will immediately show
the Cockpit screen and start navigation.
This means that if you choose one of your
Favorite destinations, you only need two
taps to start navigating.
Selection By Tapping The Map
It is also very easy to set your destination
using the map. Just browse to your desired
destination on the map, touch it, and the
Cursor menu with the possible actions will
then open automatically.
NOTE: When appearing automatically,
the Cursor menu remains open for a few
seconds only. If you decide not to choose
any of the actions listed, the menu closes
automatically. When you open it manually,
it will remain until you close it or switch to
another screen.
TIP: If you want the selected point shown
in the center of the map, close and reopen
the menu or wait until it closes and open it
again. By opening the Cursor menu manu-
ally, the map will be moved to have the se-
lected location in the center.
Navigation System