
Cakewalk Sonar LE
22 Creative Professional
6. Press the Track Record Enable button for the Track that you want to use.
The track turns a dull red color to indicate that it is record-enabled. You should now
see activity on the Track Input Meter when feeding a signal into the Digital Audio
If you don’t see meter activity on the track, try record enabling all the other tracks to
see if any of the meters move (you may have record enabled the wrong track). If you
still don’t see meter activity, open PatchMix DSP to verify meter activity on the input
channel. Next, make sure the input channel on PatchMix matches your Track Input
in Sonar LE.
f Tip: I/O Settings:
Input too strong: Use +4
Input too weak: Use -10
7. If your input signal is either too weak or too strong, adjust your input source. If you
still can’t get a proper level, open the PatchMix DSP, Session Settings and click I/O.
Record a Track
8. Press Record on the Sonar LE Transport control and start playing.
9. Press Stop when you’re finished recording the first track.
10.Press the Return-to-Zero button on the Sonar Transport.
11. Press Play on the Sonar LE Transport to play back your track. The audio from Sonar
comes back into PatchMix on the ASIO Out 31/32 Strip. (Go look and see.)
12. If you want to dump the track and start over, Right-click over the waveform display
in the track and choose Delete.
Record Another Track
13. Press the Return to Zero button on the Sonar LE Transport.
14. Add another track by selecting Audio Track , from the Insert menu. A new audio
track is added to the bottom of the list.
15. The new track is very narrow because it is “minimized”. Click on the Restore Strip
Size icon to make the track parameters visible.
16. Now you have to connect an input to the Track.
Click on the little triangle on the right side of the track Input box.
(If you wish to record multiple tracks simultaneously, simply turn Record Enable on
for each track you wish to record.)
17. Again, set up the track to be either mono or stereo, then choose the Track Input
routing. The input can be the same one you used for the first track or you can
choose a different input.
Hot Tip: A quick way to record additional tracks using the same input is to simply drag
the Part (audio region) you just recorded up or down to another track in the Sonar
Project Window, then just hit Record again and go. (Choose “Slide Over Old to Make
Room” when asked in the Drag & Drop Options.)