Ableton Live Lite 4 for E-MU
34 Creative Professional
5. The Proteus X LE editor screen shown below appears.
Load the Proteus X Composer Bank
6. Proteus X LE is now running, but you need to load a bank of sounds.
7. Choose Open from the File menu on Proteus X LE. Locate and load the Proteus X
Composer bank, which is located here: (“Program Files/Creative Professional/E-MU
Sound Central”) The bank takes a few seconds to load.
Play the Proteus X Composer Bank
8. Click on the mini keyboard at the bottom of the window. You should be hearing
sound. If not, close Ableton Live Lite 4, and verify that you have the PatchMix DSP
Product Default session loaded. Then close and restart Ableton Live Lite 4.
9. Change the Preset using the preset inc/dec keys.
10. Feel free to play around for awhile—turn some knobs, change presets. Don’t worry
about losing anything. Nothing is made permanent until you Save the bank.
11. When you’re ready to move on, select preset, P0004 A KuStq , then close the Proteus
X LE editor by clicking on the close box
Play MIDI Clips
12. Locate MIDI Loops by Keyfax in the Factory Content section of the Ableton Live
Lite 4 Browser.
13. Click on the folder to open it. You’ll see a bunch of other folders.