Recording & Monitoring with Effects
40 Creative Professional
Creating a Headphone Submix
A headphone submix allows you to create a special mix for the musician while
recording. In the example below, a headphone submix has been created from the first
three strips in the mixer using the Aux 2 bus. The three strips are muted to prevent the
audio from going straight through to the main mix—the submix send amounts now act
as the level faders. A reverb effect has been inserted into Aux bus 2 before the Send to
the headphone out.
To Create a Headphone Submix:
1. Create Pre-fader strips for the inputs you want to feed the headphone submix.
(Otherwise the Mute button will mute the Aux Send.)
2. Turn up the Aux Sends (for this example we’ll use Aux 2) on the strips feeding the
headphone submix and mute the channel outputs as shown above.
3. Turn the Input Send Level Up on Aux Bus 2 (0 dB or higher).
4. Turn the Output Return Level Down on Aux Bus 2 (-132 dB).
5. Right-click on one of the Aux 2 insert locations and choose “Insert Send (Output to
ASIO/WAVE or Physical Out)” from the popup list.
6. Choose the desired Send Output from the list. Choose a pair of outputs for your
headphone submix such as “DOCK Out 2L/2R”
7. Click the Output button at the top of the TV screen to view the output assignments.
8. Disconnect the submix from the main or monitor mix if connected.
These three strips are being submixed to Aux Bus 2 which feeds output 2L/2R. The strips are
all muted and the output of Aux 2 is turned all the way down to block the audio from the
main output.