CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
Interactive SQL connections
The Interactive SQL (DBISQL) utility has a different behavior from the default
Embedded SQL behavior when a CONNECT statement is issued while already
connected to a database. If no database or server is specified in the CONNECT
statement, Interactive SQL connects to the current database, rather than to the
default database. This behavior is required for database restarting operations.
For an example, see “CONNECT statement” in the Adaptive Server IQ
Reference Manual.
Connecting from other databases
You can access data in Adaptive Server IQ tables as a foreign data source from
Adaptive Server Enterprise. To take advantage of this feature, you use the
Component Integration Services (CIS) interface, which makes data from
distributed, heterogeneous sources available to clients.
With CIS in place, you define “proxy tables” in Adaptive Server Enterprise that
represent your Adaptive Server IQ tables. You can then query the proxy tables
from Adaptive Server Enterprise. For details, see Component Integration
Services User’s Guide for Adaptive Server Enterprise and OmniConnect.
CIS and Adaptive Server IQ offer several other ways for you to connect to
other databases and share data, so that user applications can access your entire
data warehouse through a common interface. Using CIS, you can:
• Access data in an Adaptive Server Enterprise database.
• Access data in Adaptive Server IQ and Adaptive Server Anywhere
databases on other database servers.
• Access other foreign data sources, including other vendors' relational
databases, Excel spreadsheet data, and text files.
• Join tables in separate Adaptive Server IQ databases.
Note Use of these features is currently supported on Windows NT systems