Troubleshooting startup, shutdown, and connections
Ensure that network communication software is running
Appropriate network communication software must be installed and running
before you run the database server. If you are running reliable network software
with just one network installed, this should be straightforward. If you
experience problems, if you are running non-standard software, or if you are
running multiple networks, read the discussion of network communication
issues in the Adaptive Server IQ Installation and Configuration Guide. You
should also refer to your network vendor’s documentation.
You should confirm that other software that requires network communications
is working properly before running the database server.
For example, if you are running under the TCP/IP protocol, you may want to
confirm that
ping and telnet are working properly. The ping and telnet
applications are provided with many TCP/IP protocol stacks.
If you are using NetBIOS under Windows NT you may want to confirm that
the chat or winpopup application is working properly between machines
running client and database server software.
Check environment variables
In order to start the server, certain environment variables must be set properly.
On Windows NT, the installation procedure sets any environment variables you
need automatically. On UNIX, you must set these variables. While it is unlikely
for these settings to change, you should check to be sure they are correct if you
are unable to start the server. See Chapter 1, “File Locations and Installation
Settings” in Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual for information on
environment variable settings.
Debugging network communications startup problems
If you are having problems establishing a connection across a network, you can
use debugging options at both client and server to diagnose problems. On the
server, you use the
-z command-line option. The startup information appears
on the server window (or the server log, if you start the server with
You can use the
option to log the results to an output file if you start
the server with