Converting data on insertion
• Use any character other than Y, M, J, or D to indicate the separator
character you want Adaptive Server IQ to skip over. You can even use
•If a
DATE format includes only a year and a day number within the year,
Adaptive Server IQ treats the date as a Julian date. For example, 1998-33
is the 33rd day in the year 1998, or February 2, 1998.
• If a year is specified with only two digits, for example "5/27/32", then
Adaptive Server IQ converts it to 19yy or 20yy, depending on the year and
on the setting of the
For more information, see “Database Options” in the Adaptive Server IQ
Reference Manual.
The DATETIME conversion option
Use the DATETIME conversion option to insert ASCII data that is stored in a
fixed format into a
TIME or TIMESTAMP or DATETIME column. This option
converts the ASCII data input to binary and specifies the format of the input
data. (The
DATETIME format is used internally to interpret the input; it does not
affect the storage or output format of the data.) See the
ASCII conversion format
for more information.
Note For compatibility with previous releases, you can specify that a column
DATETIME data. However, such data is stored internally as the
equivalent format, TIMESTAMP.
Here is the syntax:
In this UNIX example, slashes are separators in the date portion of the input
data, and colons are separators in the time portion:
LOAD TABLE lineitem(
setting Year specified as Years assumed
Default (50) 00-49
0 any 1900s
100 any 2000s