CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
For an explanation of commonly used startup parameters, see “Using
command-line switches” on page 28.
Typing the server startup command
You can also start the database server by entering the following command at
the UNIX prompt:
asiqsrv12 [
] [
This command starts the specified database:
• On the specified server, if one is named in the startup command.
• On the server associated with this database, if the startup parameters
specify a data source.
• On the local server, if one is running and no other server is specified.
See “Using command-line switches” on page 28 for a description of
commonly used startup parameters.
Note To start the server without starting any database, you omit the database
file from the
asiqsrv12 command and specify a servername. For ease of use,
however, it is preferable to start the database and server together, by specifying
the database name when you start the server. The server takes its name from the
database name by default, or you can specify a different name for the server.
See “Naming the server and databases” on page 31 for more information on
server and database names.
If you omit the database name, you must name the server explicitly using the
-n server switch. This method is appropriate when you are creating or restoring
a database. It is also used when you only want to control the starting and
stopping of the server, leaving database use to client software.
When you start the server with the
asiqsrv12 command, it does not run in the
background, and messages do not automatically go to the server log. However,
if your include the
server switch, messages are sent to the named
file in addition to the server window.