Command Errors
Error Description Description/Explanation/Examples
No error
Command error This is the generic syntax error for devices that can-
not detect more specific errors. This code indicates
only that a Command Error defined in IEEE-488.2, has occurred.
Invalid character A syntactic element contains a character which is in
valid for that type; for example, a header containing
an ampersand, SETUP&. This error might be used
in place of errors –114, –121, –141, and perhaps
some others.
Syntax error An unrecognized command or data type was encoun
tered; for example, a string was received when the
counter does not accept strings.
Syntax error; unrec
ognized data
Invalid separator The parser was expecting a separator and encoun
tered an illegal character; for example, the semico
lon was omitted after a program message unit,
Data type error The parser recognized a data element different than
one allowed; for example, numeric or string data
was expected but block data was encountered.
Error Messages
8-2 Error Code 0 to -104
Read the Error/Event Queue
You read the error queue with the :SYS
Tem:ERRor? query.
–100, “Command Error”
The query returns the error number fol
lowed by the error description.
If more than one error occurred, the query
will return the error that occurred first.
When you read an error, you will also re
move it from the queue. You can read the
next error by repeating the query. When
you have read all errors, the queue is
empty, and the :SYSTem:ERRor?
query will return:
0, “No error”
When errors occur and you do not read
these errors, the Error Queue may over
flow. Then the instrument will overwrite
the last error in the queue with:
–350, “Queue overflow”
If more errors occur they will be dis
Read more about how to use er
ror reporting in the Introduction to
SCPI chapter