Most controller programming languages
send these terminators automatically, but
allow changing it. So make sure that the
terminator is as above.
Example of a terminated program mes
program message unit terminator
program message unit
This program message consists of two
message units. The unit separator (semi
colon) separates message units.
Basically there are two types of com
Common Commands
The common command header starts with
the asterisk character (*), for example
SCPI Commands
SCPI command headers may consist of
several keywords (mnemonics), separated
by the colon character (:).
Each keyword in a SCPI command
header represents a node in the SCPI
command tree. The leftmost keyword
(INPut in the previous example) is the
root level keyword, representing the high
est hierarchical level in the command
The keywords following represent
subnodes under the root node. See
‘COMMAND TREE’ on page 3-10 for
more details of this subject.
Forgiving Listening
The syntax specification of a command is
as follows:
ACQuisition:APERture8<numeric value>
Where: ACQ and APER specify the
shortform, and ACQuisition and APER
ture specify the longform. However,
ACQU or APERT are not allowed and
cause a command error.
In program messages either the long or
the shortform may be used in upper or
lower case letters. You may even mix up-
per and lower case. There is no semantic
difference between upper and lower case
in program messages. This instrument be-
havior is called forgiving listening.
For example, an application program may
send the following characters over the
The example shows the shortform used in
a mix of upper and lower case
The example shows the a mix of long and
shortform anda mixe of upper and lower
3-8 Program and Response Messages
Introduction to SCPI
Figure 3-7 The SCPI command tree.