9-62 Command Reference
:MEASure :FREQuency :PRF? PM6680B/81/85
[8 [<exp. val.>[,<res.>]][,<(@«1|2|3|4|5|6|7»)>]]
Pulse Repetition Frequency
Measures the PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) of a burst signal.The burst dura
tion must be less than 50% of the pulse repetition frequency (PRF).
It is better to set up the measurement with the [:SENS]:FUNC “:FREQ:PRF”
command when measuring pulse repetition frequency. This command will allow
you to set a suitable sync delay with the [:SENSe]:Sync:DELay command.
How to measure bursts is described in detail in the Operators Manual.
Parameters: <exp. val.> is the expected PRF,
<res.> is the required resolution.
<(@«1|3|4|5|6»)> is the channel to measure on:
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B (Only PM6680B and PM6681)
(@3) means input C (HF-input option)
(@4) means input E (Rear panel arming input)
(@5) means input A prescaled by 2
(@6) means the internal reference
(@7) means input A with the variable hysteresis mode (Only PM6680B/81)
If you omit the channel, the instrument measures on input A (@1).
The <expected value> and <resolution> are used to calculate the Measurement
Time ([:SENSe]:ACQuisition:APERture). The Sync. Delay is always 10 ms
(default value)
Complies to standards: SCPI 1992.0, confirmed.