Command Reference 9-39
:FORMat :FIXedPM6680B/81/85
8 <Boolean>
Response Data Format
Sets the ASCii format to fixed. This results in the following response format:
<sign><mantissa value>E<sign><exponent value>
<sign> = +|–
<mantissa value> = 12 digits plus one decimal point.
<exponent value> = 3 digits
Parameters <Boolean> = (1 / ON|0/OFF)
The counter will add leading zeroes when the measurement resolution is less
than 12 digits.
Returned format: 1|0 ¿
*RST condition: OFF
:FORMat :SREGisterPM6681
8 «ASCii | BINary | HEXadecimal | OCTal»
Data Type for Status Messages
This command selects the data type of the response to queries for any CONDition,
EVENt and ENABle register. This includes the IEEE 488.2 status register queries.
The data is transferred as ASCii bytes in NR1 format.
The data is encoded as non-decimal numeric, base 16, pre
ceded by ‘#H’ as specified in IEEE 488.2
The data is encoded as non-decimal numeric base 8, pre
ceded by ‘#Q’ as specified in IEEE 488.2
The data is encoded as non-decimal numeric, base 2, pre
ceded by ‘#B’ as specified in IEEE 488.2
Returned format: ASCii | BINary | HEXadecimal | OCTal ¿
*RST condition: ASCii