U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
Li feBo ok 6 0 0 Series fr om F uji tsu
If the PC Card has an external connector
and cable, do not pull on this cable when
removing the card.
Removing PC Cards
If you wish to remove or replace the PC Card,
use the following procedure:
1.Shutdown operation of the card.
2. Click on the PC Card indicator on the
Windows taskbar.
From the PC Card Properties Window:
3. Select the card to be removed and click
on the Stop button.
4. Verify that the You can safely remove
your card message appears.
5. If the device cannot be removed
message appears,save all files, close all
applications,and exit Windows 95 and
then shutoff the power with the power
switch. (See Power Off on page 28.)
6. Slide the lock toward the rear of your
notebook to release the card(s).
7.Flip the eject button(s) toward the rear of
your notebook until it is fully extended.
8. Press the eject button in until it is flush with
the side of your notebook.
9. Grasp the card and pull it clear of
your notebook.
Figure 4-10 Installing a Theft Prevention on the
Combined LifeBook 600 and LAN Enhancement Unit
A physical security system lock can be installed
on the right side of your notebook or in the
rear panel of your LAN Enhancement Unit.
(See Figure 1-8 on page 7 and Figure 1-12 on page
12 for the location of the lock slot and lock tab.)
Simply insert the key end of your security system
in the lock slot, rotate 90 degrees and lock. When
you wish to secure both your LifeBook 600 and
LAN Enhancement Unit pull the theft preven-
tion tab out and pass the end of the cable of the
security system through the theft prevention tab
of the LAN Enhancement Unit and then insert
the key end of the security system in the theft
prevention slot in your notebook, rotate 90
degrees and lock. (See Figure 4-10.) When you
are not using the theft prevention tab, push it in
until the opening in the tab is not visible.