
C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 6 0 0 S e r i e s
Life Bo ok 6 0 0 Series from F uj i tsu
Master Adapter –
Submenu of the Main Menu
The Master Adapter and Secondary Adapter sub-
menus are identical. The Master Adapter is con-
nected to the internal hard drive. The Secondary
Master is connected to the Enhancement Unit
port and from there to the CD-ROM drive.
The type of drive is shown at the top of the
Menu. Follow the instructions for Navigating
Through the Setup Utility to make any changes.
(See page 57.)
Table 3-2 shows the names of the menu fields
for the Master Adapter submenu,all of the
options for each field, the default settings and
a description of the field's function and any
special information needed to help understand
the field's use.
Figure 3-2 Master Adapter Submenu