A p p e n d i c e s
Life Bo ok 6 0 0 Series from F uj i tsu
One external Smart Lithium ion battery,
Fujitsu Model FPCBP10. Rechargeable,10.8V,
3000 mAh. Operating time of up to 2 hours.
Rapid charge (notebook off or in Suspend
mode) in about four (4) hours.Standard charge
(normal use with limited CD and hard disk
access) in about ten (10) hours.
Actual battery life will vary based on
screen brightness, applications, features,
power management settings, battery
conditioning, and other customer
preferences. CD-ROM or hard drive
usage may also have a significant
impact on battery life.
Approximately 4.7 lbs (2.1 Kg) with internal
battery installed.
Approximately 5.6 lbs (2.5 Kg) with internal
and external batteries both installed.
Approximately 7.6 lbs (3.5 Kg) with the
LAN Enhancement Unit and internal
battery installed.
Operating: 5 to 35 C (41° to 95° F).
Non-operating:-15 to 60 C (5° to 140° F).
Operating:20% to 85%, relative,
Non-operating; 8% to 85%, relative,
Operating:10,000 feet (3,048 m) maximum.
Dual Battery Configuration
Operating time of up to 4 hours. Rapid charge
(notebook off or in Suspend Mode) in about 5
h o u rs .S t a n d a rd ch a r ge (normal use with limited
CD and hard disk access) in about twelve (12)
hours, using the external Lithium ion battery,
Fujitsu Model FPCBP10 in addition to the
internal battery.
AC Adapter
Autosensing 100-240V AC,44.8W, supplying
16V DC to the Notebook, Fujitsu Model
FPCAC07 which includes an AC cable.
Optional Auto/Airline Adapter
Autosensing 12/24V DC,43W supplying 16V
DC to the Notebook, Fujitsu Model FPCCAA02.
Power Management
Save-to-Disk, Suspend, Idle and Standby
power savings modes. When the battery is fully
charged the computer can remain in suspend
mode for approximately 24 hours or more.
Dimensions and Weight
Overall Dimensions
Approximately 11.7" x 9.2" x 1.4".
(297 mm x 232 mm x 35 mm.)
Approximately 11.7" x 10.4" x 2.7" with the
LAN Enhancement Unit installed.
(297 mm x 266 mm x 67 mm.)