
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Menu Field Options Default Description
Serial port B: Auto; Disabled;Enabled. [Enabled] Selects configuration method for serial port B. Serial port B is the
serial port which is the infrared port. The selection Auto makes
the BIOS or operating system choose the configuration except for
mode. The Disabled selection means that serial port B is not con-
figured for use. The Enabled selection provides for configuration
setup by the user. When Enabled is selected the choices for setting
Base I/O address and interrupt level are displayed.
Mode:(Displayed if FIR; IrDA. [FIR] Selects the speed and format of the infrared port.
serial port B is not
Base I/O address: 2E8; 3F8;2F8; 3E8. [2E8] Selects the Base I/O address for serial port B.
(Displayed only when
serial port B is set
to Enabled.)
Interrupt:(Displayed only IRQ 4; IRQ 10; [IRQ 3] Sets the interrupt level for serial port B.
when serial port B is set IRQ 11;IRQ 3.
to Enabled.)
Base I/O address: 118;100; 108; 110. [118] Sets the Base I/O address for the FIR mode operation.
(Displayed only when
serial port B is set
to Enabled.)
Table 3-5 Fields, Options and Defaults for the I/O Device Configuration Submenu