8. Click Finish once the LAN driver has been loaded.
9. Exit all open windows and restart your computer in order to properly initialize
the LAN adapter.
10. After restarting Windows, configure the network settings for the LAN cards in
order to connect to your network. Verify connectivity.
Phase 3 – Install Windows 2000 Recovery Console
Please refer to Tip#5 in the Troubleshooting section.
Section 4. Configure the System
Phase 1 – Perform Hardware Status Check
In this section you will run Windows 2000 Device Manager tool to identify any
issues with the installed devices or resource conflicts.
1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | System | Hardware | Device Manager.
2. Verify that no devices have either a yellow band (!) or question mark (?) symbol
next to it.
— Yellow (!) means that there is a resource issue with the device.
— Question (?) means that the device is unknown.
If (!) or (?) symbols are reported then double click on each of the devices with
(!) or (?). Use the "Device Status" message for troubleshooting. Or if a printer is
available, use the View, Print from the menu to get a report.
3. Verify if the installed drivers are digitally signed.
a. In the Device Manager, select the device (e.g. HP AHA-29160) that you
want to verify.
b. Right click Properties | Driver.
Writer: Jimmy Chan File Name: 312977-006.doc
Codename: Condor II Part Number: 312977-006 Last Saved On: 9/10/03 10:05 AM