Confirm Installation
1. The installation program will summarize the HDD partitioning information, boot
manager installation location as well as the size of software that will be installed.
Review, and if this is acceptable, click Next to proceed.
2. Click Yes, install to proceed with the installation.
Phase 3 – Complete the Installation
1. When installation of SuSE Linux 7.3 is completed, you will have the option of
selecting to have the system bootup in either text or graphical mode. HP
recommends booting up into a graphical desktop environment. Click Next to test
the GUI settings, if chosen.
CAUTION: If installing to a Promise FastTrak100 TX2, these additional steps
are required. Failure to follow these additional steps may result in the user
unable to successfully boot to the SuSE Linux 7.3 environment.
2. If booting to a Promise FastTrak100 TX2:
a. Press Ctrl-Alt-F2.
b. Using a Linux editor such as "vi,” enter the command:
vi /etc/lilo.conf
c. Remove these two lines (if they exist):
Bios=0x.. (Could be 0x80 or 0x81, remove either one).
d. Add these lines (if it does not exist):
(Where /dev/sdX is the location of your Promise boot drive.)
3. Return to the GUI Installation screen by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F7.
Writer: Jimmy Chan File Name: 312977-006.doc
Codename: Condor II Part Number: 312977-006 Last Saved On: 9/10/03 10:05 AM