
Phase 3 – Domain Controller Setup
In order to promote your server to a domain controller, proceed with the following:
1. Click Start | Administrative Tools | Manage Your Server to open the "Manage
Your Server" window.
2. Select "Add or remove a role."
3. Windows will advise you of preliminary steps to take before proceeding with
Server configuration.
4. Click Next to continue.
5. From the "Server Role" menu select "Domain Controller (Active Directory).
Click "Next" to continue.
6. At the "Summary of Selections" screen, click "Next" to continue onto the "Active
Directory Installation Wizard.” Click "Next" to begin.
7. Click Next at the "Operating Systems Compatibility.”
NOTE: The following instructions correspond to the standard steps for new domain
creation. You may customize the options proposed by Windows Server 2003 to match
your networked environment.
8. Click Next at the "Domain Controller Type" screen to accept the default:
"Domain Controller for a new Domain.”
9. Click Next at the "Create a New Domain" screen to accept the default: "Domain
in a new forest.”
10. If the current network does not contain a DNS server, choose "No, just install and
configure DNS on this computer,” click Next to continue.
11. At the text box for "Full DNS name for new domain:" type in the assigned DNS
name for your server (for example: mycompany.com).
12. Click Next. The system may take a few minutes before moving to the next
13. Click Next at the "NetBIOS Domain Name" dialog box to accept the default
"Domain NetBIOS name:"
Writer: Jimmy Chan File Name: 312977-006.doc
Codename: Condor II Part Number: 312977-006 Last Saved On: 9/10/03 10:05 AM